The Edmund Fitzgerald ”The Winds of November” A2 Prints


The Winds of November battered lake superior and The Edmund Fitzgerald on November 11th 1975 before  they rapidly sank her with all 29 crew members. They were trying to make the last run of the season before the winter stopped the trading across the lakes .


Availability: 14 in stock

The Winds of November came calling with ferocious seas in 1975  and sank the Edmund Fitzgerald . It happened so quickly no-one was able to do anything about it .

The Edmund Fitzgerald was the pride of the American shores . She had an experienced crew and they had all seen rough seas on the lakes . They were squeezing in one last run , carrying over 26000 tons of Taconite iron ore pellets  back across the lake .They were not the only ones getting in their last run . Many others were doing the same . Experience or not , it was bad timing and the 10th of November 1975 would be the last time they saw daylight . The Winds of November would see to that .


There were 29 crew members on board the Edmund Fitzgerald in total . The Ship was Captained by Earnest M McSorley . The crews ages differed greatly , the eldest being the Captain , (Above) and Wheelsman John D Simmons , both 63 . The youngest , Watchman ,Karl a Peckol who was just 20 yrs old .


All of them would soon be taken by Lake Superior . It is told that Lake Superior never gives up her Dead .If you have never heard the chilling song ‘The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald ‘ sung by Gordon Lightfoot , I highly recommend it . It may , like me , chill you to the bones . The words are as powerful and haunting as the tune . You will never forget it .

The Edmund Fitzgerald was launched in June 1958 . She was designed to carry freight across the great lakes . with a top speed of 14 knots , with a single propeller she was quick as far as freighters go . For 17 yrs she was setting various records , including breaking her own seasonal haul records. She was 729ft long and at the time she was built she was the largest on the lakes , earning her the title ‘Queen of the lakes’ .

I hope I have done them all proud with my painting of ‘ The Winds of November’ and the ‘Edmund Fitzgerald’. I am certain they will never be forgotten through many memories ,paintings and the song . May they all sleep tight .


Dimensions 90 × 10 × 10 cm


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